GlassHive April Updates

by GlassHive - May 14, 2024

Release Notes

April 2024

We’re back with another GlassHive updates video. We review the newest updates to our MDF feature aimed at our vendor partners, the release of the ability to create partner surveys in GlassHive, and general updates geared toward streamlining and improving the tool overall! Now, let’s buzz into it!

April’s GlassHive Release Notes Video Update

New Features

  • Vendor users can now create surveys to gather information from partners
  • Vendor users can now export MDF requests on the table
  • We added the ability for Vendor users to export MDF partners


  • Users can now resend user invites
  • We updated the confirmation message for resending an invite
  • We updated the privacy policy for consistency
  • We added the ability to edit custom fields’ hide/show options via the widget
  • We added an opportunities table to the opportunities report
  • We updated the verbiage around list uploads
  • Partner users can now upload custom field values via list upload (checkbox/multi checkbox coming soon)
  • Partner custom fields can now be viewed on the MDF Management Board (Vendors)
  • MDF Budget availability can now be set to the past (Vendors)
  • Vendor users can now view which budgets were used for MDF requests via table
  • We added custom fields to Vendor MDF Partner tables

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug where the branding link was going to the wrong page
  • We fixed a bug where the Form Submission table would break when there wasn’t a Website URL entered
  • We fixed a bug where the user couldn’t remove lists from form settings
  • We fixed a bug where the campaign analytics component wouldn’t show the loading animation correctly
  • We fixed a bug where the play button would show on distributor items for the document builder PDF render
  • We fixed a bug where the document builder would crash when adding two distributor items
  • We fixed some bugs related to the Partner Survey builder
  • We removed the ability to delete over 100 contacts/companies at a time
  • We fixed a bug where a branding bug would show up on all new campaigns
  • We fixed a bug where clicking on MDF partners would throw an error
  • We fixed a bug on the contacts and company table where the multi-checkbox field wasn’t properly rendering
  • We fixed a bug where solution subtotals would be $0 when adding a distributor item
  • We fixed a bug where some links to Vendor storefronts were incorrect
  • We fixed a bug where the Google Analytics integration couldn’t confirm permissions if using the back button
  • We fixed a bug where the website analytics report wouldn’t display correct data when “Last Month” was chosen
  • We fixed a bug where you could lose potential custom field changes to a contact/company in a specific scenario
  • We fixed a bug where multi-checkboxes would show incorrectly when the definition was updated