GlassHive new release updates

August 2022

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The latest updates with GlassHive

Welcome back to another Glasshive release notes video. Here we’ll discuss all the updates, features, or quality of life improvements we have made in the Hive. Let's get into it!

New features

  • Partner users can now control the email notifications they receive
  • Created a new pop up menu when you click on your profile image
  • Removed notifications feature while bug fixes are addressed on backend


  • Tables now have updated header UI
  • Removed lifetime and added 7 day data to email analytics page
  • Collateral Builder color picker now closes when a color is selected
  • Collateral Builder designer color picker button now opens and closes when clicked on
  • Users can now create more customized opportunities
  • Users now have the ability to clear out company and contact picture
  • Users can now add team quotas for gross margin and MRR
  • Sales dashboards and reports updated to reflect new quotas for salespeople

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where campaign content wouldn't get updated when updating during the review process
  • Fixed bug when adding a new contact with an email with special characters
  • Fixed bug where LP Builder font didn't match what was published
  • Campaign analytics "First 24 Hours" now properly displays analytics when there are no opens/clicks
  • Fixed 2FA code verification mobile page format
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't edit an opportunity that has a deal line item with a category
  • Fixed bug where agency reports weren't reporting on Marketing Plan campaigns
  • Fixed bug where users couldn't sort LP Templates by Vendor
  • Fixed bug where vendors couldn't sort their partners by Account Created

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